Saturday, October 18, 2008

Got a Song Stuck in My Head!

I don't know, maybe it was the concert the other night...maybe it was seeing all the posters at the Warfield that jogged some memories of London. I saw some great shows there in the late 80's. I remember one of my flatmates wanted to go see the Violent Femmes and the Cramps. They were both playing at small venues. We would go to these great little places and see great little concerts. Oh, we did see Sting at the Royal Albert Hall near where we lived, though That was no small show!.
Anyway, I have been thinking about those days and my flatmates lately.  
I did not end up going to see the Violent Femmes or the Cramps.
I only knew that one song....which keeps going through my head now...Blister in the Sun.
Maybe after listening to it on Youtube and writing this, I will have exorcised it.

I did not go to shows I was unfamiliar with because I preferred to theater. I LOVE theater. I went to the theater so much in London. Sometimes I even went alone. If I could not get someone to go with me, I didn't care, I would trot right down and find something I was interested in and go alone.

Speaking of songs stuck in my head...wanna hear something kind of mean? Sure you do!
When I was in between degrees, I went to SFState with a couple of friends. 
During  breaks we would meet up for lunch or just  hang out for a while. One friend, Aggie, I went to highschool with. Well, just before it was time to go back to our respective classes I would start to sing some really obnoxious song..."Get down boogie oogie oogie" or something that was catchy like that. We would always meet up again in an hour or two and she would be SO mad at me! She had been humming that tune since we parted.Ha ha!
Mean, huh? I used to think it was really fun to torture my friends that way.

Any tune stuck in your head?


Beth said...

As soon as I saw the picture of the Violent Femmes, the song started up in my head..."Let me go white like a blister in the sun." LOL

Oh man, The Cramps! A truly twisted band, and totally weird and fun. I never got to see them live, and I hear that they were one of the more extreme punk bands.


garnett109 said...

never heard either one but one song sticks in my head ...
always with me always with you

Tawnya said...

No, no songs stuck in my head right now, although sometimes when I sleep it happens to me, in my dream a song will be playing on the radio or something and I will wake up with it in my head....


the only song stuck in my head for days in the song "unwritten" love that song...have a great sunday

Odds Bodkins. said...

Gotta love the Vilent Femmes, shame you didn't get to see them. It's on my wishlist.

Actually, I've had a Neil Diamond song haunting me for a week now (Heartlight)Luckily, I like the song but if it doesn't bugger off soon that could all change!

B. x

lunarossa said...

Hi Laura, I do not know the band Violent Femmes..sound interesting though. You're right, nothing beats the London West End. Apart from the fantastic variety of productions and actors available every season, it is the atmosphere that cannot be found anywhere else. The ancient theatres, the old red drapings, the very steep staircases, the small streets ...
Right now I've the Mamma Mia tune stuck in my head, hope I'll get rid of it soon! Have a nice week. Ciao. Antonella

Doreen said...

Thankfully, I cannot remember which song my ex would sing that simply got under my skin; I can remember that I would interrupt him with Lynn Anderson's I BEG YOUR PARDON, I NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDEN. And, he'd forget his tune:) Even funnier is lately he has picked up my father's habit of humming which used to drive my ex up the wall! Ex uses this male analogy: Ex hums a particular song in key; my dad just hums and hums nothing! Humming is humming...according to Webster; but I'll leave that topic for the next Mrs...LOL