Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tremendous Stress

I have not been around much lately due to, well, tremendous stress. I am trying very hard to do what needs to be done to get past his difficult time. I know many people are going through similar hard times. I tend to isolate when I feel this much stress. I am not much into talking or sharing it. I become a bit incapacitated, unfortunately, and I am fighting that. I try each day to figure out what need I need to do to make things better.

I think the toughest nugget here is the financial one. 
I think I have to find a day job. I have had the luxury of staying at home with my kids during the day and working in the evenings since I delivered my first premature baby. Now, however, that just won't cut it. We are not making it. Yikes! This economy sucks pond water!

Not that I didn't think this day would come, I did. Especially living in an expensive city. We have gone through some rough patches before. Neither one of us have recession proof jobs. As a matter of fact, our jobs get cut out when times are hard. 

So, I am just praying hard that something good happens soon. When I say things are bad, I mean bad. 

I went to look at the location of a job I was going to apply for. I took the kids with me for a quick ride after school yesterday. When we got there, the kids begged me not only to get the heck out of that area, but to NOT apply for it as it was in a really bad area of town. I had no idea that just over that hill things got that bad. My oldest boy said he knew from YOUTUBE. Kids!
My cop friend told me I was not to apply for a job on that street, but I had to look for myself. She was right.

So now, back to the drawing board.....and praying!

I look forward to having some time to visit all of your blogs again. I miss you!


garnett109 said...

The economy sucks sludge.
My debbie is on the verge of a layoff , she works for a hotel chain and people ain't traveling much, she is down to 5 hours a day.
it is hurting everybody but hang in there kiddo it's got to get better.

Beth said...

Laura, I'm keeping everything crossed for you in hopes that you'll find what you need and that things will improve! Sending you big hugs!


Ken Riches said...

Keep the faith, something will emerge :o)

Yasmin said...

Fingers crossed you'll find something soon.

Take care


Odds Bodkins. said...

I hope something turns up for you soon.

Take care.

B. x

lunarossa said...

Hi Laura, Unfortunately bad times are here for everybody. Just be positive and keep on trying. Don't let yourself being overwhelmend by stress, it's bad for you. Think about your health too. All the best. Ciao. Antonella

Martha said...

Hope things are looking up for you!

Kaio said...

Hi Laura,
Many kisses from London and have a eletrifying week ahead!

lunarossa said...

Dear Laura, I've given you an award. Please come and collect it my blog. Ciao. Antonella